Making Maple Sugar Candy
Ben Fisk and the Ben’s Sugar Shack crew fill up maple sugar candy molds using a candy pig, then crystal coat the candy to make it last, and package the candy for shipment.
Maple Syrup Production
Follow Ben Fisk and the Ben’s Sugar Shack crew through a season of maple syrup production as they tap trees in the winter, then in the spring they collect and boil sap into syrup and package the syrup into jugs.
How a Maple Syrup Evaporator Works – Tour of Sweet Maples Sugarhouse Syrup Evaporator
Ben gives a tour of Sweet Maples Sugarhouse in Newbury, NH and shows how a maple syrup evaporator works.
Grading Maple Syrup
Ben explains the maple syrup grading system established by the US Department of Agriculture. Ben demonstrates how to use a grading sampler and the flavor differences of the different grades.
Newt Gingrich at Ben’s Sugar Shack 04-04-11
New Hampshire Watchdog’s Grant Bosse interviews former House Speaker Newt Gingrich during a stop at Ben’s Sugar Shack in Temple, NH about the federal budget, war powers, and his possible campaign for President.